Bad Credit Auto Loans in Calgary
Are You Looking for a Bad Credit Auto Loan
Bad Credit? No credit? no problem!
We will work with you to secure a no credit car loan if your situation demands it. We have strong relationships and are committed to finding you the perfect car loan company to suit your car finance needs.
We have the experience to help you get the most competitive rate on a new or pre-owned vehicle. As a result, we are able to provide you with more options!
Apply today and start rebuilding your credit with an auto loan:
Tips to help you get approved faster for a Bad Credit Auto Loan
- Bank Account - open a checking account and maintain it in good standing as it will help you to improve your chances of getting an early approval.
- Proof of employment - have a copy of your employment letter at hand, it proves you have a regular job and enables the auto loan lenders to know how long you have been working.
- Have all required documents at hand - valid drivers license & proof of address (utility bill).
- Once approved for a Bad Credit Auto Loan , make sure that you pay your monthly instalments on time as it will help you to build credit score in a sustained manner.
Bankruptcy? Divorce?
No matter what your credit profile is, we can help.
We work with people who have good, fair, bad, or no previous repayment history, as well as with people who have zero or no money down.